Hair loss is a common concern, affecting more than half of the population across all ages, genders, ethnicities, and backgrounds. You’re definitely not alone in this experience!
The good news, you have the power to regrow your hair and protect it from further hair loss!
What causes hair loss:
There are multiple factors and varying degrees of hairloss, each person is different.
Here is a list of common causes:
- Hormone changes (e.g. pregnancy, menopause)
- Aging
- Hereditary
- Dietary changes
- Poor dietary habits
- Nutrition deficiency
- Medical side effects
- Medical treatments (e.g. chemotherapy and radiation)
- Too many toxic hair products (damages hair, irritates sculpt and blocks follicles & pores on sculpt.
- Toxic chemicals (found in household cleaners, beauty products perfumes etc)
- ….and the most prominent cause of hair loss….STRESS
Can one stop hair loss?
Depending on certain factors like heredity, hair loss can be stopped & reversed as long as ALL factors are addressed..
Should I worry about hair loss?
Hair loss is normal in the life cycle of a hair follicle, however, excessive hair loss is not normal. It is concidered a concern when over 120 hair strands fall out every day and should be addressed.
What shampoo is good for hair loss?

Probably the biggest lie sold to us is that a single shampoo can stop, prevent and regrow hair loss, but it can’t.
Hair loss is an internal issue and can not be solved with washing your hair with a special shampoo.
Yes, it might give some benefits to sculp & hair strand health but the % is minimal.
Turns out, 2 ingredients found in 98% of shampoos cause hair loss !!!!
The ingredients are called Sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate. These chemicals help shampoo to “foam” yet it actually kills hair follicles!!!
GO and have a look at your ingredient list!
It is recommended to choose hair care products that are free of these 2 ingredients AND which have natural based ingredients.
An “anti hair loss” shampoo should not be your first line of defence, it won’t just cost you money but it will cost you your hair volume as well!
What Minerals are needed to prevent hair loss and support hair growth?
- Iron
- Zinc
- Iodine
- Omegas
- B12
- Folate
- Magnesium
- Potassium
- Protein
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin A
- Biotin

How to stop hair loss?
Hair loss can not be solved overnight and anyone claiming to “regrow hair in 3 weeks” is lying.
It can take anywhere from 3 – 18 months to start getting your hair back to optimal health.
It has to be an Holistic approach. You can’t change your diet & beauty regime yet your stress levels are still through the room (and vise versa)….healing from hair loss has to be approached holistically.
We believe the best place to start is focussing on the foods you eat and feeding your hair from the inside out!
What food prevents hair loss?
Foods that are rich in all these vitmins and minerals listed above are your ideal choice & plant-based foods are the highest sources of these vitamins and minerals. Here are some examples:
Carrots: Beyond good eye health, carrots are rich in vitamin A, which promotes a healthy scalp and hair growth.
Oatmeal: This breakfast staple is a powerhouse of nutrients for your hair. It’s loaded with fiber, iron, zinc, and omega-6 fatty acids, all essential for healthy hair growth.
Prunes: Iron deficiency can lead to hair loss and dryness. Prunes, being a great source of iron, can help you achieve thicker and stronger hair. Enjoy them for breakfast or as a midday snack.
Sweet Potatoes: Similar to carrots, sweet potatoes are rich in beta-carotene, which promotes hair thickness and sebum production, keeping your hair healthy and hydrated.
Walnuts: These nuts provide a trifecta of hair-healthy nutrients: protein, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. Almonds are another great option.

Avocado: Packed with vitamin E, avocados promote hair growth and strength. Just a half of a medium avocado provides 21% of your daily recommended vitamin E intake.
Flaxseeds, Sunflower Seeds, and Chia Seeds: These tiny powerhouses are loaded with vitamin E, zinc, and selenium, all of which help prevent hair loss. Sunflower seeds are particularly rich in vitamin E, with one ounce providing half your daily needs. Flaxseeds and chia seeds also offer omega-3 fatty acids, further supporting hair health.
Beans: A fantastic plant-based protein source, beans like kidney beans and chickpeas are also rich in zinc, iron, biotin, and folate. These nutrients are all important for hair health. Plus, beans are a versatile and affordable ingredient, allowing you to incorporate them into various cuisines.
Hemp seeds: One of the highest sources of complete protein which is essential for strong luscious hair
7 Superfoods that PREVENT hair loss, boost hair growth & strengthen the hair strand from root to tip
That is the power of superfoods, literally each superfood will bring benefits to your body, and even your hair, in some form or another, however we have chosen our top 7.
Iron+ capsules:
comprising of Irish sea moss and bladderwrack
This is our 1st recommendation, because iron and mineral deficiency is such a common cause when it comes to hair loss.
This supplement is, as the name suggests, a potent source of Iron. Iron is essential for hair growth and maintaining thick healthy hair.
Irish Sea Moss contains 92 of the 102 minerals your body needs. This includes magnesium, potassium, iodine, sulfur, calcium, selenium, fiber, copper, phosphorus, zinc, riboflavin and manganese.
Bladderwrack is rich in antioxidants, such as phlorotannins, fucoxanthin, alginic acid, fucoidans, and vitamins A and C. AND is is an excellent source of iron
Because this supplement is made up of 100% plants, no other ingredients or processing, there is no side effects that often come with Iron supplements like constipation.
Baobana Protein Shake:
A mix of Baobab powder, Pumpkin protein, Hemp protein, Maca, banana powder & mesquite
This is our 2nd recommendation because this selection of superfoods is an excellent source of complete protein (all essential amino acids), high in vitamin A, E & B complex, helps regulate & protect the gut (which also has a massive effect on hair growth and hair health), rich source of potassium, magnesium, & manganese.
It also contains Maca which is a powerful hormone regulator.
Our kelp is organic and high in natural Iodine. Iodine supports the function of the thyroid, which releases hormones that regulate hair growth. That’s why hair loss is a common symptom of an iodine deficiency.
Kelp is also high in zinc, Vit K, calcium and iron.

OptiMSM capsules
Pure MSM powder which is high in collagen & is known for slowing down the aging process, spreading up muscle recovery and strengthening joints. OptiMSM also helps with supporting and strengthening the condition of the hair follicle as well as the scalp.
Purple Potato Powder
Purple sweet potatoes are a good source of beta-carotene but are an even richer source of anthocyanin pigments, which act as antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and boost your immune system. Purple sweet potatoes have about three times more anthocyanins than the average blueberry.
Purple sweet potato is also very high in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium, and iron, all of which are essential for health thick strong hair.

Both of the following were mentioned above but it is worth mentioning again
Chia Seeds
Rich in Omegas 3, 6 & 9, antioxidants as well as fiber and protein. Each playing a role in bringing nourishment to the scalp and hair from within.
And lastly Hemp Seeds
Hemp protein is are found in all our protein shakes and are an excellent source of complete protein, meaning rich in BCAA’s and contain all EAA (essential amino acids). They are also a potent antioxidant as well as a great source of vitamin E and minerals, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, iron, and zinc
We are confident to say that every one of the superfoods we sell, will help improve your hair growth and quality, but to help with a starting point we would recommend the above 7 options.

Hair Loss Treatments
1) STRESS management
Stress is the silent killer. It causes heart disease, high blood pressure, hormone disruption and more.
Find a stress management solution that best suits you. here are some great examples for you to try:
- Meditation
- Breath work
- Yin yoga
- Forest therapy (spending time amongst trees)
- Non competitive activity sport done outdoors (e.g surfing, mountain biking, trail running )
- Screen time management
- Turning off work emails after 5pm
- Avoid watching news that is violent and distressing
2) Detox from hair products
Taking a break from using hair products (including shampoos, conditioners, hair gels, hair sprays, styling mouses etc) will give your scalp and hair strands a chance to detox from all the chemicals and reset its PH.
3) Avoid harsh hair treatments
Hair treatments like bleaching, dying, straightening, and heating can cause a lot of damage and hair loss. Taking a break from these treatments will decrease the volume of hair you may be losing.
4) Avoid hair accessories
Items like hats, wigs, hair extensions and tight elastic bands can cause hair loss. Taking a break from these accessories will help improve your hair growth journey.
5) Use Natural Hair products
There are a lot of hair products that use natural ingredients and provide a better alternative for those struggling with hair loss.
6) Check your medication
Some medications have hair loss as a side effect. Consult your doctor if you are taking medication that causes hair loss and if there are other alternatives.
7) Boost your body with antioxidant rich food.
All the foods we listed above are potent in antioxidants (and so much more). Have a look at your current diet and see where you can make changes to include more of these foods.
8) Understand your body
The body changes with ever year that passes. As we get older, our hormones change and this has a big impact on our health and our hair.
If you are at an age where you are experiencing hormonal changes, chat to your doctor to get a blood test and see what options are available to assist your body.
The most powerful step you can take towards healing your hair from hair loss and promoting healthy hair growth is to address chronic stress in your life (and remove it where possible) and to start feeding your hair from within with antioxidant rich foods, high in vitamins and minerals and which are fresh and as close to nature as possible.
*Always consult your healthcare practitioner before embarking on any new health regime.*