Turns out, raw organic cacao is one of the most powerful anti-aging superfoods around. Not bad seeing that one can eat it in the form of these delicious chocolate bliss balls!
Below the recipe, we have listed 5 potent health benefits to eating raw cacao and especially for slowing down the aging process.
Ingredients for the Chocolate Bliss BallsÂ
- 1/2 cup organic cacao nibs
- 1/2 cup organic hemp hearts
- 1/2 cup organic cacao powder
- 4 cups dates (Toffee zamli dates are the preferred option otherwise any dates you are able to find)
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- about 20 whole nuts to place into the center of the chocolate bliss balls (hazelnuts were used, otherwise brazil and almonds are also really good)
- 1/2 cup raw chocolate cacao butter
- 2tbsp cup cacao butter

Method to make the Chocolate Bliss BallsÂ
1) Soak the dates in 2 cups warm water until soft
2) Drain the dates, and then add all ingredients together, except for the raw chocolate cacao butter, cacao butter & whole nuts.
3) Mix together all the ingredients well.
4) Roll the mixture into balls, roughly the size of a ping-pong ball. Press your choice of nuts inside the date ball and set it aside.
5) Heat up the raw chocolate cacao and cacao butter over a double boiler. Make sure it is done on low heat, slowly so that the anti-oxidant properties of the cacao are not destroyed. Once melted, allow to cool for 3min.
6) Roll the date balls into the melted chocolate.
7) Sprinkle with cacao nibs, hemp hearts, & Himalaya salt and then pop into the freezer for 2 hours.
8) Once firm, take them out and enjoy. Store in the freezer and take out when you are wanting to nibble.
Makes about 15 chocolate bliss balls, depending on the size you roll them.
for an extra superfood boost
Add 3 dropper fulls of our CannaChi hemp oil (vanilla or natural flavour) or 3 tbsp of our SynerChi Organics Seabuckthorn Powder

5 powerful anti-aging benefits of raw cacaoÂ
1.40x more antioxidants of blueberries*Â
Our raw organic cacao powder has about 40 times the antioxidants of blueberries. Â That is a BIG difference! The key phrase to note here is RAW CACAO not cocoa.
It also has an impressive ORAC score of 98,000 per 100g, vs blueberries at a mere 2,400. Â ORAC scores measure the ability of antioxidants to absorb free radicals (that come from pollution and toxins in our environment), which cause cell and tissue damage and can lead to diseases such as cancer.
This makes it an INCREDIBLE anti-aging superfood that can be eaten in the form of these delicious date balls, BONUS!
2.Packed with magnesium for a healthy heart and brain*
Raw organic cacao is an excellent source of magnesium. Magnesium is important for a healthy heart, and helps turn glucose into energy enabling your brain to work with laser-sharp clarity and focus.  This is often the reason why you sometimes crave chocolate when you are feeling tired or lethargic….your brain is craving a magnesium boost.

3. Excellent source of plant-based iron*
Raw cacao is one of the highest plant-based sources of iron at about 7.3mg per 100g.  If you compare this to beef and lamb at 2.5mg, or spinach at 3.6mg, this is an excellent source of iron.  Note the iron in cacao is non-heme (as is all plant-based iron), so to get the maximum benefits you’ll want to combine it with some vitamin C. A great way to maximize your iron absorption is to have it with foods high in Vit C like kiwi, lemons, grapefruit, oranges, strawberries, Sea Buckthorn (available here which you can add to your date balls as an added superfood boost)!
4.Reduces inflammation & fine lines on the skin*
Due to its powerful phytonutritional properties and antioxidants, raw cacao can be used on the inside and outside of the body in the form of face masks, body scrubs and body butters.
It gets absorbed through the skin and goes to work on creating a beautifully smooth & glowing skin.
5. higher source of calcium compared to cows milk*
Raw Cacao has more calcium than cow’s milk at about 160mg per 100g vs only 125mg per 100ml of milk.  It’s time to switch out your dairy milk chocolate for a raw cacao version or in this case, make these delicious chocolate bliss balls.
So as you can see, enjoying a delicious sweet chocolate treat can bring INCREDIBLE benefits to the body, & with the added benefits of our superfoods, it’s a health bonus for the entire family!

*no scientific claims are being made on this website & what we share is based on our personal experience as well as testimonials from our clients.
I was confused by the second part of the recipe – can you please clarify the correct measure in the second line? Also, what is the difference between these two products? They sound the same to me. Thank in advance for your replies. Barbara Giacomin
1/2 cup raw chocolate cacao butter
2tbsp cup cacao butter
Hey Barbara, apologies for the late reply.
I am not too sure which measurements you are needing clarity on, maybe you could be more specific?
I have made some adjustments so maybe it is more clear for you now I hope.
Chocolate cacao butter is basically cacao butter with raw cacao powder in and it has been set, basically vegan chocolate completely sugar-free. If you don’t have it, just use the cacao butter and add a few tsp of cacao powder in xx
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Have a lovely day!